Low-level control with MMCore

The example below shows how to call the Java bindings for the micro-manager core from Python. Because the core API is discovered at runtime and translated into Python, the easiest way to discover which functions are available is to type core. and type tab to use IPython autocomplete. Alternatively, the documentation for the Java version of the core API can be found here. Note that function names will be automatically translated from the camelCase Java convention to the Python convention of underscores between words (e.g. setExposure becomes set_exposure)

An alternative mechanism for controlling the Micro-Manager core is through [pymmcore](https://github.com/micro-manager/pymmcore/), which exposes an almost identical API (but lacks the many additional features of Pycro-Manager). Pymmcore requires a bit more work in to get a configuration loaded and set up and doesn’t have it’s own GUI.

# This example shows how to use pycromanager to interact with the micro-manager core.
# Aside from the setup section, each following section can be run independently

from pycromanager import Core
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# get object representing MMCore
core = Core()

#### Calling core functions ###
exposure = core.get_exposure()

#### Setting and getting properties ####
# Here we set a property of the core itself, but same code works for device properties
auto_shutter = core.get_property('Core', 'AutoShutter')
core.set_property('Core', 'AutoShutter', 0)

#### Acquiring images ####
# The micro-manager core exposes several mechanisms foor acquiring images. In order to
# not interfere with other pycromanager functionality, this is the one that should be used
tagged_image = core.get_tagged_image()

# If using micro-manager multi-camera adapter, use core.getTaggedImage(i), where i is
# the camera index

# pixels by default come out as a 1D array. We can reshape them into an image
pixels = np.reshape(tagged_image.pix,
                        newshape=[tagged_image.tags['Height'], tagged_image.tags['Width']])
# plot it
plt.imshow(pixels, cmap='gray')