Saved image callbacks

Saved image callbacks, allow a user-supplied image_saved_fn to be automatically called by the Acquisition as soon as a new image has been saved. The image can then be read directly from disk in Python. This avoids the speed limitations incurred by image processors. It is also a useful way to implement a custom user interface, because the function will be called each time there is new data and the UI should be updated. Alternatively, it can be used to start post-processing large datasets as soon as they are acquired.

The image_saved_fn takes two arguments, axes and dataset. The first is the describe the unique identifier of the image (z=0, time=2, etc.), and the second provides access to the Dataset associated with the Acquisition. The pixels of the image that was just saved can be accessed by calling:

pixels = dataset.read_image(**axes)

Alternatively, a three argument version can be utilized in which the arguments are axes, dataset, and event_queue. The event queue allows new acquisition events to be created in response to images being saved to disk.

A full example of using this feature is below:

from pycromanager import Acquisition, multi_d_acquisition_events,

def image_saved_fn(axes, dataset):
    pixels = dataset.read_image(**axes)
    # TODO: use the pixels for something, like post-processing or a custom image viewer

with Acquisition(directory=save_dir, name="tcz_acq",
                 ) as acq:
    events = multi_d_acquisition_events(
        z_start=0, z_end=6, z_step=0.4,