Custom Acquisition Events

An acquisition event is a Python dict object with a specific structure. The multi_d_acquisition_events function can be used to create these events, but since it only covers a limited number of use cases, it often may be more useful to create them manually.

Every event must have an axes field that uniquely identifies the image that the event will produce. This field is a dictionary which contains the name and position of each axis used to identify the image. The position can either be an int or a string.

For example, in a timelapse of ten images would vary only over the time axis, and the first two events would be:

event_0 = { 'axes': {'time': 0} }
event_1 = { 'axes': {'time': 1} }

A full description of all possible fields in an acquisition event can be found in the Acquisition event specification.

The following example shows the a the events used to acquire a z-stack. Note that this is primarily for demonstration purposes, as the same events can be generated more conveniently using the multi_d_acquisition_events function.

with Acquisition('/path/to/data', 'acq_name') as acq:
    # create one event for the image at each z-slice
    events = []
    for index, z_um in enumerate(np.arange(start=0, stop=10, step=0.5)):
        evt = {
                # 'axes' is required. It is used by the image viewer and data storage to
                # identify the acquired image
                'axes': {'z': index},

                # the 'z' field provides the z position in µm
                'z': z_um


Creating custom acquisition events provides more flexibility in controlling hardware. For example, custom device properties can be specified in events:

with Acquisition('/path/to/data', 'acq_name') as acq:
    events = []
    for index in range(10):
        evt = {
                'axes': {'arbitrary_axis_name': index},
                #'properties' for the manipulation of hardware by specifying an arbitrary
                #list of properties
                   [['device_name', 'property_name', 'property_value'],
                    ['device_name_2', 'property_name_2', 'property_value_2']]


The channel axis

The axis "channel" has a special significance because it not only determines how the corresponding image is stored, it also determines how it is displayed in the default viewer. Images with different "channel" values that match on all the other axes will by default be overlayed in a multi-channel image.

In Micro-Manager, hardware settings for different channels are typically controlled by providing the group and preset name of a Config group. This is specified using the config_group field of acquisition events. These hardware control instructions can be specified independently of how the image is stored/displayed in the acquisition event

 event = {
        'axes': {'channel': 'desired_name_for_saving_and_display'},

For example, with the values in provided in the micro-manager demo config, this would be:

 event = {
        'axes': {'channel': 'DAPI'},
        'config_group': ['Channel', 'DAPI']

Specifying these separately allows images multiple or different hardware properties to be overlayed as channels in the display.