Reading acquired data

The NDTiff format is the default saving format of pycromanager Acquisition object.

Images can be loaded individually, or all data can be loaded simulataneously into a memory-mapped dask array, which works like a numpy array and also allows scalable processing of large datasets and viewing data in napari.

Creating a Dataset object

There are two ways to do this, depending on whether the data is part of an in-progress acquisition or not. In the former case:

from pycromanager import Acquisition

with Acquisition('/path/to/saving/dir', 'saving_name') as acq:

        ### send some instructions so something is acquired ######

        dataset = acq.get_dataset()

Alternatively, to open a finished dataset from disk:

from pycromanager import Dataset

#This path is to the top level of the dataset
data_path = '/path/to/data'

dataset = Dataset(data_path)

Reading data

Once opened, individual tiles can be accessed using read_image. This method accepts positions along different dimensions as argument. For example, to get the first image in a z stack, pass in z=0 as an argument.

img, img_metadata = dataset.read_image(z=0, read_metadata=True)

#img is a numpy array, img_metadata is a dict

To determine which axes are available, access the Dataset.axes attribute, which contains a dict with axis names as keys and a list of available indices as values.

If the dataset was created by tiling multiple XY positions, tiles along the axis corresponding to XY positions can be indexed by their row and column positions:

img = dataset.read_image(row=0, col=1)

Opening data as Dask array

Rather than reading each image individually, all data can be opened at once in a single dask array. Using dask arrays enables all_data to be held in a single memory-mapped array (i.e. the data are not loaded in RAM until they are used, enabing a convenient way to work with data larger than the computer’s memory. Dask arrays also enable and allow for code to be prototyped on a small computers and scaled up to clusters without having to rewrite code.

dask_array = dataset.as_array()

#dask array can be used just like numpy array
#take max intenisty projection along axis 0
max_intensity = np.max(all_data[0, 0], axis=0)

#visualize data using napari
with napari.gui_qt():
    v = napari.Viewer()

If the data was acquired in an XY grid of position (such as Micro-Magellan datasets are), the array can be automatically stitched:

dask_array = dataset.as_array(stitched=True)

with napari.gui_qt():
    v = napari.Viewer()